

  • Story
  • 2024-07-04
  • OPPO Releases Fourth Annual Sustainability Report, Outlining Progress and Future Goals

    Leading global technology company, OPPO, has unveiled its fourth annual Sustainability Report, showcasing significant strides and a comprehensive roadmap towards sustainability. Guided by the mission of "Technology for Mankind, Kindness for the World," OPPO's efforts are concentrated in five key areas: virtuous innovation, environmental protection, ecosystem engagement, operational compliance, and employee welfare.

    In 2023, OPPO made a landmark pledge to achieve carbon neutrality across its global operations by 2050. This commitment is being realised through the adoption of renewable energy and enhancements in energy efficiency. Notably, the installation of solar panels has cut annual CO2 emissions by 2,819 tons, and energy-efficient manufacturing practices have saved an additional 8,947 tons. Additionally, OPPO's focus on product lifecycle management has led to significant reductions in plastic packaging and the recycling of approximately 1.1 million devices through the Trade-In Service in China.

    As a responsible global corporate citizen, OPPO collaborates with communities, governments, non-profit organisations, research institutes, and its users worldwide to advance corporate social responsibility. In 2023, OPPO donated over RMB 23.21 million to educational foundations and charity organisations, supporting initiatives in environmental protection, youth empowerment, digital inclusion, and health and wellbeing.

    OPPO's commitment to sustainability extends to fostering global collaboration through initiatives like the OPPO Inspiration Challenge. This program invites innovative solutions under the themes "Inspiration for People" and "Inspiration for the Planet," aiming to turn visionary ideas into reality.

    As OPPO continues to pursue its vision of becoming a more sustainable company, it remains dedicated to leveraging technology and innovation to drive sustainable development, ultimately building a better world in partnership with its stakeholders.

    To learn more about OPPO's sustainability journey, please read the 2023 OPPO Sustainability Report:



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