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See Beyond

Messages pour demain
Nous sélectionnons les photos dont l'histoire est la plus étonnante et la plus fascinante
et qui nous incitent à croire en un avenir meilleur.
Des histoires qui inspirent
Que signifie la photographie pour vous ?
Pour Harsha, il s'agit de capturer de beaux souvenirs en un instant, car on ne sait jamais quels moments nous chérirons à l'avenir. La photographie peut sauvegarder ces moments pour l'avenir comme rien d'autre, un instantané parfait dans le temps. Vous avez un moment à partager ?
Découvrez les histoires
Que signifie la photographie pour vous ?
Pour Harsha, il s'agit de capturer de beaux souvenirs en un instant, car on ne sait jamais quels moments nous chérirons à l'avenir. La photographie peut sauvegarder ces moments pour l'avenir comme rien d'autre, un instantané parfait dans le temps. Vous avez un moment à partager ?
"Ce n'est pas seulement un appareil photo. C'est une machine à remonter le temps."
Lennart Pagel connaît, mieux que quiconque, la vérité, la beauté et le pouvoir de la photographie. Les photos ont le pouvoir de nous inspirer, même des années et des années après avoir été prises. Partageons ensemble le pouvoir de la photographie.
Quels souvenirs souhaitez-vous conserver pour le futur ?
Vous pensez peut-être aux moments les plus importants de votre vie, à de grandes réalisations, mais parfois ce sont les petits moments de vie partagés avec votre famille ou vos amis qui laisseront une trace encore plus profonde dans votre mémoire. Immortalisez ces joies simples comme elles se présentent, en espérant toujours le meilleur pour l’avenir.
Rendez votre futur meilleur !
Rejoignez-nous du 23 avril au 20 juin 2021
400 $ pour organiser votre prochain voyage
Vous vous sentez déconnecté du monde et isolé de vos proches depuis le début de la pandémie ? OPPO vous offre 400 $ (taxes comprises) pour rendre visite à quelqu’un ou partir à l’aventure. Pour tenter de gagner, utilisez le hashtag #dearfuture2121 pour vos publications Instagram
Devenez connu dans le monde entier
200 participants sélectionnés verront leurs photos mises en avant sur le site Web d’OPPO. Ils profiteront également de cours de photographie professionnelle.
50 grands gagnants sélectionnés par un jury de photographes professionnels verront leurs photographies exposées sur le site Web d’ OPPO.
Comment participer ?
Pour participer au concours, vous devez publier une ou plusieurs photos en utilisant le hashtag #dearfuture2121 en légende. Si vous participez avec un smartphone OPPO, vous pouvez ajouter le hashtag #shotonOPPO en plus du hashtag #dearfuture2121. Votre publication peut contenir jusqu’à 10 photos de personnes ou de nature (ou les deux) et doit expliquer en quelques mots pour quelles raisons vous souhaitez conserver ces photos en souvenir.
400 $ pour organiser votre prochain voyage
Devenez connu dans le monde entier
Comment participer ?
Vous vous sentez déconnecté du monde et isolé de vos proches depuis le début de la pandémie ? OPPO vous offre 400 $ (taxes comprises) pour rendre visite à quelqu’un ou partir à l’aventure. Pour tenter de gagner, utilisez le hashtag #dearfuture2121 pour vos publications Instagram
200 participants sélectionnés verront leurs photos mises en avant sur le site Web d’OPPO. Ils profiteront également de cours de photographie professionnelle.
50 grands gagnants sélectionnés par un jury de photographes professionnels verront leurs photographies exposées sur le site Web d’ OPPO.
Pour participer au concours, vous devez publier une ou plusieurs photos en utilisant le hashtag #dearfuture2121 en légende. Si vous participez avec un smartphone OPPO, vous pouvez ajouter le hashtag #shotonOPPO en plus du hashtag #dearfuture2121. Votre publication peut contenir jusqu’à 10 photos de personnes ou de nature (ou les deux) et doit expliquer en quelques mots pour quelles raisons vous souhaitez conserver ces photos en souvenir.
Participez maintenant
OPPO Find X3 Series
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En savoir plus
Découvrez en image toute la beauté des petits bonheurs du quotidien avec une luminosité parfaite #shotonOPPO
Terms and Conditions – 2121 Future Photography Project
The Project and How to Participate
As part of the OPPO 2121 Future Photography Project, OPPO is hosting our photography project (referred to hereafter as "the Project").
To participate in the Project, follow the instructions on this website and accept the following terms and conditions, which will form a binding agreement between you and Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp, Ltd.
1.1. By participating in the Project, you hereby accept these participation rules (referred to hereafter as "the Rules"). If you do not wish to accept these Rules, please do not enter.
1.2. Photos must be shared on Instagram and uploaded through the website (if invited) no later than the deadlines as listed. Only works submitted in accordance with these Rules will be accepted for the Project.
1.3. To qualify for participation in the Project, you must be over 18 years of age. If under 18 years of age, you must first obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian before uploading any images to the event website or to be eligible for prizes.
1.4. By uploading photos to OPPO’s website (if invited), you agree and acknowledge that OPPO is permitted to receive and review your registration data. You agree that personal data including, but not limited to name, surname,email address, country of origin, device model may be collected, processed, stored and otherwise used for the purposes of conducting and administering this photography campaign and other marketing initiatives. If you participate the Project via Instagram, we may also collect your Instagram username. If you are selected to receive a prize in cash, we will collect your necessary bank information for the sole purpose of sending you the prize. We will delete your bank information once we finish internal verification. You should reply to our email or private message on Instagram within five days, or else it’s considered that you give up the right for receiving awards.
At any time, you have the right to access, review, rectify or cancel any personal data held by OPPO by sending a message to our official email All data you submit via our website and official email will be stored on our server located in China.
Rules of Participation
2.1. To participate in the Project, you must share photos on Instagram and use the hashtag #dearfuture2121 in the post caption. OPPO users should use #shotonOPPO along with #dearfuture2121 to participate. Each user can share one (1) to ten (10) images in one (1) carousel post on Instagram. Photos shared through private accounts will not be visible to OPPO, and therefore will not be selected to receive prizes. This project starts on April 23rd, 2021 and will end on June 20th, 2021.
2.2. There are no restrictions on when these photographs may have been taken or on the type of device (including mobile phones and digital cameras) used to capture them. You must ensure that you have clear, independent and undisputed copyright privileges for all submissions, and that your submissions do not infringe on the rights of any third parties, including copyright, right of publicity, right of reputation, privacy rights, and so on. By participating in this event, you agree to abide by these Rules and to bear sole responsibility for any legal liabilities or disputes that may arise from your failure to do so. OPPO shall not bear any responsibility in any such cases, and you fully indemnify OPPO in respect thereof.
2.3. Participants may not use any portion of another person’s photograph to form any portion of their submission or submissions. Participants shall bear sole responsibility for any legal liabilities or disputes arising from violations of these conditions.
2.4. No submission/ participation fee is charged for entry, and work submitted cannot be returned. Only submissions in the form of a digital file will be accepted. In cases where the submission of a work fails or otherwise results in it being impossible to review, the contributor shall bear sole responsibility for any losses or consequences incurred by its submission.
2.5. When invited to upload photos to the website, each photograph should not exceed 10 MB in size.
Terms of Selection and Prizes
3.1. All participants will get a chance to win prizes as long as their photos posted for this campaign on Instagram are visible to the OPPO team. (Photos must be posted with public accounts in order to be viewed by the OPPO team). One user is selected to win a prize at a fixed time on every business day (Monday-Friday), and the user must follow the formatting rules. If not, a second round of selection will be conducted. OPPO will contact the users to distribute prizes on a bi-weekly basis.
3.2. All photos that are visible to the public on Instagram will be reviewed and pre-screened by OPPO editors. The screened entries are then reviewed by a team of professional photographers. These photographers will choose the winners, and their decisions are final.
3.3. Winning photographs may be included in the future in exhibitions and/or screenings as part of promotions of this iteration or future iterations of the Project. Each photographer retains the copyright of his or her images in accordance with and subject to Clause 4 below, and proper credit lines will be attributed to each photographer when exhibited or screened anywhere (provided that any inadvertent failure to do so shall not be a breach of these Rules).
3.4. The full name, country of origin, and Instagram account of each participant whose work is selected as a winner may be published online.
3.5. Cash prizes will be paid by wire transfer or other electronic methods. Any fees incurred for foreign currency transfers will be deducted from the winning amount.
3.6. No cash alternatives will be offered for any prize.
3.7. Submissions that fail to comply with the Rules will not be eligible for selection. If such works are selected, they may be subsequently disqualified at any time. Organizers reserve the right to revoke any prizes, compensation, certificates, or other benefits awarded in connection with such works and to publish notice of said actions on their websites or other public media.
3.8. If your photos are selected to be featured, the event organizer will contact you via direct message on Instagram. Upon being contacted, you must promptly submit the original file for your submission, fill in your personal information as requested, and submit your declaration of copyright and authorization as well as any other documents requested. Failure to submit all required documents within the specified time limit or the submission of documents which do not meet the event organizer’s requirements will be interpreted as a relinquishment of your eligibility, upon which your position on the list of winners will be awarded to another entrant, selected at the organizer’s discretion.
3.9. By participating in this Project, you agree and acknowledge that all personal information you submit is true and accurate, including your name, phone number, email address, and any other contact addresses you provide for the purposes of communication about prize. The event organizer will only use your personal information for the above purposes and within the extent permitted by the applicable privacy laws. Upon announcing prizes, the event organizer will contact all winners to verify that the personal information they used to participate the Project is complete and accurate. If incomplete information prevents the sponsor from delivering a prize to its winner, the prize will automatically be considered waived and will not be reissued.
3.10. In cases where a prize cannot be delivered due to causes originating with the winner (including but not limited to failure to provide contact information within three days of the conclusion of the event or submission of incomplete or inaccurate contact information that prevents the organizer from establishing contact) the prize will automatically be considered waived. The sponsor assumes no responsibility for any such outcome and will not reissue prize in such cases. Upon receiving their prizes, winners will be expected to confirm completion of delivery by notifying the distributor directly, except where abnormal circumstances prevent this. OPPO shall not be liable for any accidents or damages suffered by winners relating to the use or receipt of prizes.
3.11. Prizes may not be exchanged for cash. If unforeseen circumstances prevent the distribution of a prize, the organizer reserves the right to issue an equivalent prize in its place. Replacement awards may not be exchanged for cash. Prize money will be delivered by bank wire transfer only, and any applicable banking fees will be paid by the winner according to the relevant regulations in the winner’s country of residence.
3.12. Pictures of prizes are provided for reference only, and actual prizes may vary. In cases where prizes exhibit quality problems, recipients should contact the prize’s provider or designated distributor and follow the relevant policies for return, replacement, and/or maintenance.
3.13. Prize recipients shall bear full responsibility for any personal income taxes incurred with their prizes. The event’s sponsors shall bear full responsibility for any domestic or international shipping charges incurred by the delivery of the prize.
4.1. OPPO reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify and remove any photograph that does not comply with the following requirements, even after the photograph appears on the website. You warrant, in respect of the photographs submitted by you, as follows:
4.1.1. You are the sole copyright owner and creator of the photographs.
4.1.2. You have the right to enter your photographs in this Project.
4.1.3. To the best of your knowledge, the photographs do not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane content.
4.1.4. To the best of your knowledge, the photographs do not contain any material that could constitute or encourage conduct which would be considered a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability.
4.1.5. The photograph does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person’s rights of privacy or publicity, and does not include: trademarks owned by third parties. copyrighted materials owned by third parties. names, likenesses or other characteristics identifying celebrities or other public figures, either living or dead. entries in which you have purchased or secured the rights to use stock images.
4.2. You agree to fully indemnify OPPO in respect to all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person by reason of your breaching any of the foregoing conditions.
4.3. You confirm that where required by local laws, each person depicted in the photograph has granted permission to be portrayed as shown—and has the right to grant that permission. All other relevant permissions must have been obtained.
4.4. Images should comply with guidelines proposed by UNICEF for ethical reporting on children ( It is important, always, to take into account the ethical considerations of photography, and to protect vulnerable people from potential harm that could be inflicted as a result of publishing images that expose or identify individuals or groups who may be or may become vulnerable as a result of the publication of the image.
4.5. OPPO recognizes that you retain full ownership of the copyright in each photograph that you have submitted, subject to the rights granted in clause 5 below.
4.6. All information displayed on the OPPO 2121 Future Photography Project website is protected under international copyright law. Under copyright laws, the propagation of any material or content therein (including by reproducing, modifying, uploading, posting, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling, or publishing said content) without express written permission from its owner is prohibited, with the sole exception of personal and non-commercial uses.
Image Rights & Usage
5.1. You agree that all photograph(s) submitted to the Project may be reproduced and used to conduct and promote this Project and future projects in any and all media until you request us to stop. You hereby grant OPPO the right to use submitted photographs in the scope of such promotional activities. Any other usage requests will be directed to the photographer.
5.2. Any photograph used by OPPO shall carry a credit line. Any failure to provide such credit line shall not be deemed to be a breach, as long as OPPO uses its reasonable endeavors to rectify such failure within a reasonable period from the date of notice of such failure.
5.3. You acknowledge that OPPO and its event partners assume no responsibility and are not liable for any image misuse.
6.1. All information displayed on this website is protected under international copyright law. Under international copyright law, the propagation of any material or content therein (including by reproducing, modifying, uploading, posting, transmitting, distributing, licensing, selling, or publishing said content) without express written permission from its owner is prohibited, with the sole exception of personal and non-commercial uses.
6.2. While OPPO will do its best to provide accurate and up-to-date event information on this website, OPPO is unable to fully guarantee the accuracy or reliability of all details appearing therein, and will not assume liability for any omissions or other errors that may occur in said content (including but not limited to typing errors or errors of a technical nature).
6.3. You understand that you use or browse this website at your own risk. Neither OPPO nor any of its sponsors, event sponsors, or third-party partners and affiliates that participate in the creation, production, or delivery of the website shall be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or punitive damages sustained while visiting, using or browsing, or downloading information, data, text, audio, or photography and other images from the website. The aforementioned damages include, but are not limited to, damage to computer equipment, infection with computer viruses, or any other property damages. Additionally, all content appearing on the event website is provided strictly as is, without any express or implied guarantees, including but not limited to any implied guarantee of marketability, applicability for a specific purpose, or non-infringement status.
Waiver of Liability
7.1. OPPO assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Project. OPPO assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the Project. OPPO assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of entries. OPPO is not responsible for any problems with or the technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail addressed to OPPO on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to your or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in the Project. If for any reason a contestant’s photograph cannot be viewed or is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud or technical failures, OPPO assumes no responsibility.
8.1. In no event will OPPO, its members, event partners or its officers, directors, or employees be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising out of any contestant’s access to and use of the website and participation in the Project. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, everything on the Website is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose or use or non-infringement.
Changes to the Rules
9.1. OPPO reserves the right to make reasonable adjustments to the above terms and conditions in keeping with standard practices for similar events and transfer of public gallery rights. Please refer to these terms regularly to ensure you are aware of and understand any changes made by OPPO. By continuing to use this site, you accept these terms and conditions as legally binding regardless of any changes occurring herein.
10.1. Winners agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of your name and winning images for the purposes of advertisement, promotion and publicity by OPPO in relation to the Project without additional compensation. Such requests will not be unreasonably withheld.
Guide for Participants
Who Can Participate?
The event is open to all people anywhere in the world. Simply use your phone or camera to take pictures and share them on Instagram. Use both #dearfuture2121 and #shotonOPPO if you used an OPPO device to take the picture. Only Use #dearfuture2121 if you took the picture with a non-OPPO device.
How Do I Participate?
To participate in the Project, you must share your pictures on Instagram with the hashtag #dearfuture2121 in the post caption You can share up to ten images in one carousel post on Instagram. If you share pictures taken by an OPPO phone, you should use both #shotonOPPO and #dearfuture2121 to participate.
We encourage you to post pictures about people and nature, and write a short message stating why you would like to send to someone in the future or explaining why you want to save these pictures for the future.
When Can I Participate?
This campaign starts on April 23rd, 2021 and will end on June 20th, 2021.
What Are the Prizes?
For all participants who post pictures using #dearfuture2121 with public accounts on Instagram:
• OPPO would love to sponsor a future trip so you can visit family and friends or travel to somewhere you couldn’t visit during the pandemic. Selected participants will get a chance to win a budget for a future trip that will be distributed in cash worth $400 US Dollars (including tax).
For 200 participants whose pictures are selected to be featured:
• Each participant will receive access to online professional photography classes and their photos will be featured on OPPO’s official website and Instagram accounts
• 50 final winners will be selected by a team of professional photographers and the winning pictures will be featured on OPPO’s website in a long term
How Can I be Selected to Win the Prize of a Budget for a Future Trip ($400 USD in cash)?
• You need to make sure your pictures are posted using the correct hashtag (#deafuture2121).
• You need to make sure your Instagram account is public so your pictures are visible to us.
• We are going to select two (2) posts/users (one OPPO user with #shotonOPPO and #dearfuture2121, one non-OPPO user with #dearfuture2121) at a fixed time every business day (Monday to Friday). Utilizing a random number generating tool, a random number “m” will be generated within the range “1”-“n” (where “n” is the increased number of posts comparing to the previous day). The winner of the budget for a future trip is the person who creates the number “m” post. We will double check whether the user followed the formatting rules; if not, a second round of selection will be conducted.
How are the Prizes Distributed?
We will contact users by sending messages on Instagram using OPPO’s official global account or sending emails with for obtaining users’ information and distributing the prizes on a bi-weekly basis over the course of the campaign. Cash prizes will be paid by wire transfer or other electronic methods. Any fees incurred for foreign currency transfers will be deducted from the winning amount. Users should reply to our email or private message on Instagram within five days, or else it’s considered that users give up the right for receiving awards.
What Do I Do if My Pictures are Selected to be Featured?
You will be contacted on Instagram and sent a web link to submit your original picture(s), as well as some basic information such as your name, email address, Instagram account, and country of origin.
How Many Pictures Can I Share/ Submit?
You may submit a maximum of 3 Instagram posts to participate. You can post up to ten (10) pictures in one Instagram post.
How Will the Final Winners be Decided?
All entries will be reviewed and pre-screened by OPPO editors, and two hundred (200) sets of pictures with stories will be selected to be featured on OPPO’s global website. Among these picture sets, a team of professional photographers will choose fifty (50) final winners.
Will I Keep the Rights to my Work After Submission?
Yes – as the original photographer, you retain all relevant rights to your work even after submission. (Please note that you agree that all pictures submitted to the project may be reproduced and used to conduct and promote this Project and future projects in any and all media until you contact us via Instagram to request us to stop using your pictures. You hereby grant OPPO the right to use submitted pictures in the scope of such promotional activities. Any other usage requests will be directed to the photographer).
What Kind of Submissions are Prohibited?
Pictures that contain the following content are strictly prohibited:
• Infringes on the rights of another person (including but not limited to copyright, trademark rights, privacy rights, right of publicity or other intellectual property (IP) or civil rights)
• Features pornography, nudity or violence, or is otherwise inappropriate or provocative.
• In any way denigrates the OPPO brand or the submission of another participant.


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9:00-18:00 Lundi au Vendredi