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Pantanal Service, Empowering Lives with Intelligence
e m p o w e r i n g d e v e l o p e r s w i t h p a n t a n a l t o c r e a t e a s m a r t l i f e
ColorOSHack 2023 is looking for exceptional
tech talents and innovative projects. We
encourage participants to develop intelligent
perception solutions by learning the OPPO
Pantanal platform, aiming to develop user-
centric smart service solutions. We will provide
relevant technical capabilities and Pantanal
DevStudio to help you integrate your service
into the platform and push the service to users
more efficiently, so that we can create a new
smart lifestyle for users together.
Unlock the Pantanal Platform
Discover the capabilities of OPPO's Pantanal Service Platform through our latest videos! Get engaged with the Pantanal experts by submitting your questions through our form here and hear them answer your questions live at our upcoming salon!
Develop Pantanal smart service on OPPO devices with OPPO's Pantanal DevStudio and developers' guides to deliver a seamless user experience in these scenarios.
No. With OPPO’s vision to build a world that emphasizes user-centric service experience, OPPO ColorOSHack aims to create seamless interconnection between people and technology that is both inclusive and sustainable.
2. Can I modify the works I have submitted before the deadline for registration?
Yes, participants can submit their work multiple times to the designated email (ColorOSHack2023@oppo.com) before the submission deadline on 15 September. We will take the latest submission as the final version.
3. How will you inform contestants of the finalists and award winners?
We will be reaching out to the finalists by phone and email. In addition, we will also announce the finalists and winning entries on the contest website.
4. Do I have to establish a team for the contest?
No, participants can either sign up for the contest individually or in a team of up to 5 people.
5. I have a startup company and our product is still under development. Can I register for the contest?
Yes, startups with Apps or an idea for your app are eligible for the competition.