2023.8-2024.1 OPPO-Monthly Active Recipients under the Digital Service Act (EU)
According to Article 24(2) of the Digital Services Act (DSA), OPPO discloses the following information on the numbers of average monthly active recipients of our relevant online platforms in the EEA during the applicable reporting period. The data provided bellows is calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the DSA.
OPPO Community (Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp., Ltd): For the period between 2023.8-2024.1,OPPO Community has had an average of 11,683 monthly active recipients.
Theme Store (BRAVO UNICORN PTE. LTD.): For the period between 2023.8-2024.1,Theme Store has had an average of 1,196,850 monthly active recipients.
In the future, we will continue to monitor and publish updated information on the average monthly active recipients in accordance with the DSA.