

FAQ for<br />#ShotonOPPO Photo Contest
What is #ShotonOPPO?

#ShotonOPPO is a hashtag that is constantly monitored by OPPO’s social media team. It is a platform for all OPPO users to share great photos that have been taken by OPPO phones. #ShotonOPPO has monthly photo contests with different themes which are open to all phone users.

How can I join the monthly photo contest?

Each monthly photo contest will have a unique monthly hashtag. Sharing your photos on Instagram/Twitter with the monthly hashtag will enable you to join the contest.

If you are an OPPO user, please add the hashtag #ShotonOPPO as well.

Can I participate if I don't use OPPO device?

Yes! For non-OPPO users, we have a public category for entries that are not shot on OPPO devices. Hence the need to only use the contest hashtag, and not #ShotonOPPO.

Note: All photos MUST be taken by mobile phones. 

How do you select the winner?

OPPO will shortlist FOUR (4) candidates from each category (OPPO users and public entries), and post them on Instagram and twitter for a public vote. The entries with the highest vote total will become the final winners as long as they can provide authentic EXIF information of the photo. If not, we’ll move on to the next-placed candidate with the same verification processes until we have a legitimate winner. The final results will be announced on our social media channels.

Can I submit more than 1 photo?

Yes, but one photo per post, with the required hashtags.

Will I have more possibilities to win the contest by adding #ShotonOPPO hashtag, even though I am not using an OPPO device?

No, using #ShotonOPPO hashtag will not impact the winner selection process. However, please appreciate the fact that it is our way of differentiating entries between OPPO and public users. 

Can I add #ShotonOPPO hashtag even though the photo is not taken by OPPO device?

Yes, you can add the hashtag. However, if we select you as a candidate, we will double check the EXIF information 1-on-1 before the final round. If the entry belongs to the public group, we will remove you as a candidate of OPPO group and MIGHT add you into the Public group’s candidates.

What if I forgot to add #ShotonOPPO hashtag even though I use an OPPO device?

We will categorize your work as a public entry. Should you make it to the final round, we will double check the photo’s EXIF information and you MAY lose the opportunity to be a winner of the public group. 

Where can I check if I am a winner of the monthly photo contest?

Please pay attention to OPPO’s Instagram Stories and Twitter. Also, the official OPPO account will contact you directly through Instagram’s or Twitter messaging system. Please check your messages frequently to avoid missing out!