{{dataCart.txtYourCart}} ({{dataList.cartItems.length}})
{{item.attachment.productDisplayName || item.displayName}}
{{filterStock(item.salesStatus, item.stockStatus)}}
x{{item.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.originPrice}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.nowPrice}}
{{filterStock(list.salesStatus, list.stockStatus)}}
x{{list.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{list.originPrice}}-{{dataList.symbol}}{{list.nowPrice}}
Total {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.subtotalPrice}}
You are {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.freeLimit}} away from free shipping.
{{dataCart.txtYourCart}} (0)
{{dataCart.txtEmpty2}}{{dataCart.txtYourCart}} ({{dataList.cartItems.length}})
{{item.attachment.productDisplayName || item.displayName}}
{{filterStock(item.salesStatus, item.stockStatus)}}
x{{item.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.originPrice}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.nowPrice}}
{{filterStock(list.salesStatus, list.stockStatus)}}
x{{list.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{list.originPrice}}-{{dataList.symbol}}{{list.nowPrice}}
Total {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.subtotalPrice}}
You are {{dataList.symbol}}{{dataList.freeLimit}} away from free shipping.
Ključne točke | Sažetak |
Tko je odgovoran za prikupljanje i korištenje vaših podataka? | Općenito, OPPO je odgovoran za prikupljanje i korištenje vaših osobnih podataka. Međutim, u mjeri u kojoj se nalazite u Europi, voditelj obrade vaših osobnih podataka je OROPE Germany GmbH. |
Podaci koje koristimo | Obrađujemo podatke o vama koje nam pružite izravno ili koje prikupljamo kada koristite naše Usluge. Također možemo primati osobne podatke o vama od trećih strana. |
Za što ga koristimo | Vaše osobne podatke koristit ćemo samo kada za to imamo zakonsku osnovu, kao što je izvršenje ugovora o pružanju usluga, za naš legitimni interes, uz vaš pristanak ili u skladu s našim zakonskim obvezama.
Također možemo obrađivati vaše osobne podatke kada sudjelujete u promotivnim aktivnostima kao što su nagradne igre. |
Koliko dugo čuvamo vaše podatke | Vaše osobne podatke nećemo čuvati dulje nego što nam je potrebno. U većini slučajeva čuvat ćemo vaše osobne podatke samo onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno da bismo ih koristili u svrhe o kojima vam govorimo. Ponekad, međutim, zakon od nas zahtijeva da ga čuvamo dulje. |
Marketing | Možemo vam slati informacije o uslugama ili ponudama koje bi vas mogle zanimati. Ako nam je za to potreban vaš pristanak, to ćemo učiniti samo uz vaš pristanak i možete se odustati od takve marketinške komunikacije u bilo kojem trenutku. |
Dijeljenje vaših osobnih podataka s trećim stranama | Vaše osobne podatke možemo podijeliti s drugim tvrtkama koje kontroliraju ili su pod zajedničkom kontrolom s nama, trećim stranama kao što su naši poslovni partneri i pružatelji usluga ili gdje smo to dužni učiniti po zakonu. Osigurat ćemo da naši poslovni partneri i pružatelji usluga podliježu odgovarajućim obvezama zaštite podataka. |
Sigurnost | Sigurnost vaših podataka shvaćamo vrlo ozbiljno. Proveli smo razne tehničke i organizacijske mjere za zaštitu Vaših osobnih podataka. |
Vaša prava | Neki zakoni o zaštiti podataka mogu vam dodijeliti prava u vezi s vašim osobnim podacima, uključujući, na primjer, pravo: • da budete obaviješteni o tome kako obrađujemo vaše osobne podatke; • na pristup osobnim podacima koje imamo o vama i informacijama o njihovoj obradi; • na zahtjev da izbrišemo ili ažuriramo netočne osobne podatke; ili • da se žalite nadležnom regulatoru ako mislite da je povrijeđeno bilo koje od vaših prava. Ako živite u Europi, imat ćete određena prava koja su dodatno navedena u ovoj Obavijesti o privatnosti. |
Djeca | Naše usluge su namijenjene korisnicima koji imaju najmanje 18 godina. Nastojimo ne prikupljati i ne koristiti dječje podatke. |
Međunarodni transfer | Mi smo globalna tvrtka, tako da možemo prenijeti vaše osobne podatke u druge zemlje. Osigurat ćemo da se pridržavamo zahtjeva za lokalizaciju pohrane i uspostaviti odgovarajuće pravne zaštitne mjere za takve prijenose. |
Ažuriranja | S vremena na vrijeme možemo ažurirati ovu Obavijest o privatnosti i obavijestit ćemo vas o svim ažuriranjima na odgovarajući način. |
Kontaktirajte nas | Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, možete nas kontaktirati na https://www.oppo.com/hr/privacy-feedback/. |
Sljedeće odredbe primjenjuju se na vas samo ako živite u Europi.
Type of data we process | Purpose / Activity | Legal grounds for processing |
If you are an employee or representative of a company that supplies products or services to us | ||
To sign contract and register your company as a new supplier in our databases | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain efficient databases of the suppliers we interact with) |
To interact with you and complete our order including arrange for payments, fees and charges | Necessary for performance of a contract with you | |
To communicate with you and invite you to participate in our marketing activities relevant to your services or that might be of interest to you for business purposes | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to promote our business) | |
To provide you access to databases used during our daily business and are relevant to your services | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to run our business, and maintain databases that can increase our work efficiency) | |
To protect our business and our databases (including troubleshooting, support, system maintenance, reporting and hosting of data) |
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to run our business, provide
administration and IT
services, network security); Necessary to comply with a legal obligation |
If you are an employee or representative of a company that we sell products to for distribution | ||
To sign contract and register your company as a new customer in our databases | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain efficient databases of our products’ distributors) |
To interact with you and complete your order including process your purchase order, provide after-sales services, technical support, training, collect and recover money owed to us |
Necessary for performance of a contract with you; Necessary for our legitimate interests (to recover debts owed to us) |
To communicate with you and send details of our marketing activities relevant to our services or that might be of interest to you for business purposes | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to promote our business) | |
To communicate with you and ask you to leave a review or complete a survey; to reply your requests about us or handle any complaints you might have | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to collect our business partners'feedback, improve the level of our services and grow our business) | |
To communicate with you and arrange your visit to our premises or any other place agreed, including flight and accommodation booking and the completion of the procedures for traveling authorisation use (if needed) |
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to strengthen our relationship
with you)
Consent (if you ask us to assist you with accommodation, transportation, visas etc.) |
To provide you access to databases used during our daily business and are relevant to your services | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to run our business, and maintain databases that can increase our work efficiency) | |
To protect our business and our databases (including troubleshooting, support, system maintenance, reporting and hosting of data) |
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to run our business, provide
administration and IT
services, network security); Necessary to comply with a legal obligation |
If you are an employee or representative of a company that explores business opportunities with OPPO | ||
To communicate with you, reply your questions and send details of our marketing activities relevant to your services or that might be of interest to you for business purposes | Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain our relationship with you and promote our business) |
If you are an employee or representative of a company or an individual freelancer that has established contact with us and you do not fall in any of the above-mentioned categories, e.g. journalist, member of the press, key opinion leader (KOL), designer | ||
To communicate with you, invite you to take part in our marketing activities or contests that might be relevant to your services/profession or that might be of interest to you and facilitate your access to such activities |
Necessary for our legitimate interests (to maintain our relationship
with you and
promote our business) Necessary for performance of a contract with you Consent (if you ask us to assist with arranging accommodation, transportation, visas etc.) |
To conclude and execute agreement with you including make payments or send you samples of our products | ||
To communicate with you and arrange your visit to our premises or any other place agreed, including flight and accommodation booking and the completion of the procedures for traveling authorisation (if needed) |
Information about Your Right to Object in Accordance with Art. 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you which is based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. This concerns processing personal data for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party including profiling based on those provisions, cf. Art. 4 No. 4 GDPR.
Should you decide to object to the processing of your personal data, we will stop to process personal data concerning you, unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing serves the purpose of establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.