33W Flash Charge + 5000mAh Battery
Double Power-Big Battery, Fast Charging
Enjoy Fast Charging and long-lasting power with a 33W Flash Charge and 5000mAh¹ battery.
Flash Charge: 33W
Battery: 5000mAh
Glowing Black
Glow in the dark.
Glowing Gold
Glow like a star.
screen-to-body ratio
border width
409 PPI
pixel density
peak brightness
1. 5000mAh is the typical capacity. The minimum capacity is 4880mAh.
2. Product pictures are for reference only. Certain product specifications and descriptions may change for reasons including but not limited to changes in suppliers. Please refer to the actual product for all criteria.
3. RAM Expansion converts available ROM to virtual RAM.F19s supports up to 5GB extended RAM.Actual memory space may change due to application updates, user operations, and other related factors.
4. Screen size is measured diagonally. OPPO F19s' screen size is 16.34cm as a full rectangle. Actual viewable area is slightly less due to the rounded corners.
5. Information in this product description comes from OPPO's technical parameters, as well as laboratory and supplier test data. Actual product specifications may vary slightly depending on test software version, specific testing environment, and specific version.
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