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2024 November 6-10
B01 Grand Palais
OPPO invites you to join us in celebrating Dear Life
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OPPO imagine IF Photography Awards
provides a platform for global users
to showcase their unique expressions of life.
In 2024, we received over 1 million entries
from 81 countries and regions.
Fifty-six winners were recognized for their exceptional works.
Now, let's jump into the world of imagination.
View Winners
Winners of 2024
Warm Embrace in Cold
Portal of Dimensions
Moment of Reflection
Thoughts at Noon
Revel in the Dance
Graceful Beauty
Mesa Arch Towers
Blissful Romance
Warm Embrace in Cold
Portal of Dimensions
Moment of Reflection
Thoughts at Noon
Revel in the Dance
Graceful Beauty
Mesa Arch Towers
Blissful Romance
Warm Embrace in Cold
Portal of Dimensions
Moment of Reflection
Thoughts at Noon
Revel in the Dance
Graceful Beauty
Mesa Arch Towers
Blissful Romance
Chased by Wave
Sunset Embrace
Out of the Fog
Aurora Symphony
Staring in the Snow
Glance Back
With the Whale
Dance in the Rain
Long Night Forest
Chased by Wave
Sunset Embrace
Out of the Fog
Aurora Symphony
Staring in the Snow
Glance Back
With the Whale
Dance in the Rain
Long Night Forest
Chased by Wave
Sunset Embrace
Out of the Fog
Aurora Symphony
Staring in the Snow
Glance Back
With the Whale
Dance in the Rain
Long Night Forest
Warm Embrace in Cold
Portal of Dimensions
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Moment of Reflection
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Thoughts at Noon
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Revel in the Dance
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Graceful Beauty
Mesa Arch Towers
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Blissful Romance
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Chased by Wave
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Sunset Embrace
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Out of the Fog
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Aurora Symphony
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Staring in the Snow
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Glance Back
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With the Whale
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Dance in the Rain
Long Night Forest
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Summer by Hutuo River
Liang Xibing - China
A kid soaked in bubbles has fun by the banks of the Hutuo River, Hebei, during summertime. Bubbles, varying in size and color, are fluttering in the air, accompanied by children's cheers and laughter.
When will we grownups rediscover life's simple pleasures?
Judges' comments
Alec Soth
The emotion that the average photographer most often wants to express is joy. We gather our families and children together and plead with them to smile. But often we are met with disappointment. If joy emerges, it is common that we're too slow with our cameras to catch it. In those rare cases where we do catch natural expressions of joy, the images often feel cliche or formulaic.
The image is special for a few reasons. First, the joy that is documented is entirely authentic. But as a photograph, it offers other pleasures. The composition is playful and surprising. Along with the bubbles of soap we see pink blossoms and green leaves. Lastly, the late evening light perfectly captures the scene. The result is an image that is joyful, surprising, unique and visually delightful.
It is simply remarkable to consider how difficult this picture would have been to make in the past. The photograph is taken at an extremely fast shutter speed with very little depth of field or ISO. Nevertheless, the focus is perfect and the full scene is captured precisely. This is achievable because of the powerful tools of OPPO and Hasselblad.
Michael Yamashita
This was my favorite choice for the Gold Award. I love the expression of the child's face, the beautiful warm light and the moment this photographer was able to catch. I am not even sure what is going on here and the mystery of the photo makes me want to stare it for a long time. The joy on his face and the gesture of his hand raised towards the sky balance perfectly with the bubbles filling the entire frame. The boy separates well against the dark trees in the background. The photographer also managed to hold the details in the sky, both on top and bottom, adding texture and pattern. There is also a nice colour element with the flowers on the right side. The frontal lighting is perfect, highlighting his face, hand and bubbles. But most of all, the photographer captures the expression, which is priceless - his joy is infectious. It makes me smile when I look at it. With just the right amount of blurring in the background, probably shooting on portrait mode keeps one's eye on what's important - the expression, the boy and the bubbles themselves. Perfection!
Steve McCurry
I like this image because there is a certain ambiguity and mystery. We wonder whether the circumstances are of what we are observing. There is a sense of joy and happiness in the picture. The person in the picture is clearly enjoying the soap suds and is gesturing somebody outside the frame. Perhaps he is at an amusement park or with some friends or family. There is a wonderful energy and optimism about the image. As a color photograph it's very minimal in its color pallet, but the mood and the sense of joy is overwhelming. The high shutter speed allows for the soap suds to be frozen, giving it a sort of surreal feeling. The soft light also helps to make it a powerful image.
Tina Signesdottir Hult
This was a photograph that grabbed me right away, I was curious and felt the good energy it had. The image contains components such as movement, joy, expression and storytelling. The photograph has an artistic expression. The photographer has managed to capture a real moment in his work.
Wang Jianjun
This is a great photo that perfectly captures the boy's happiness, showcasing photography's power to seize fleeting moments. It's a clever blend of the boy's joyful expression, the floating bubbles, and the surrounding environment. The presentation of light and color is accurate and well-executed.
Yin Chao
This is an excellent photo that highlights the strengths of mobile photography. Traditional photography, on the other hand, might miss those fleeting moments in everyday life – like the movement of floating bubbles or the child's expression. The boy's raised arms and closed eyes suggest both excitement and a bit of hesitation. The photographer has skillfully captured this fascinating moment, creating a strong visual narrative. OPPO imagine IF Photography Project isn't just about selecting great photos, it's about sharing a positive outlook and encouraging us to find beauty and memorable moments in our daily lives. As I always say, beauty is everywhere, we just need the eyes to see and recognize it. Mobile photography makes that easier by freeing us from the hassle of operating the camera. All we need to do is live in the moment and appreciate life. In this age, where anyone can be a photographer, we all can be artists of our own lives, express our true feelings, and share the beauty around us.
Pete Lau
Photography is an art about capturing the moment and light and shadow. This gold prize-winning photo embodies that essence perfectly. It beautifully showcases the pure joy of a child immersed in bubbles, arms raised as they float through the warm sunbeams. The atmosphere is captivating, drawing viewers in and making us feel as if we're right there. The photographer masterfully combines technique with storytelling, creating a truly outstanding piece of photography.
Cozy Island
Whoiam - China
A taxi driver naps in his parked cab on a rainy roadside, the rain blurring his face and reflecting the city's soft lights. The taxi feels like a cozy island amid the hustle.
Judge's comment
Steve McCurry
This is one of my favorite images. I was drawn to the mood, the rain, the solitude, the emotion of this picture. The picture appears to be of a taxi driver waiting for a passenger. We don't know the actual story of this image but we often give a photograph meaning and create a story. I think it's a wonderful color photograph despite the fact that there is only one color. It's a very minimal use of color creating a great mood. The driver appears to be deep in thought. Maybe he is meditating or praying or maybe he's taking a nap. The image evokes a lot of questions.
Chasing Dreams
Robin Liu - China
I am alone by the river, my heart full of expectations and yearning for the future. The river flows softly and quietly, reflecting my silhouette. As I jump, I open my phone camera to capture the moment – my dangling feet suggesting that with effort, we can rise above every obstacle and realize our dreams. This is not a random selfie, but an expression of my state of mind: no matter how far the path ahead seems, we should believe that every step we take brings us closer to our dreams. The jump signifies fearless exploration of the unknown and a deep-seated belief in oneself. I hope that the perseverance and courage embodied in this image can inspire everyone to pursue their dreams.
Judge's comment
Steve McCurry
The simple black and white image evokes a question of how this pair of legs appear in the mid air. Sometimes photographs defy description. The viewer is left to make his or her own interpretation. That's true for all art. We give meaning to something where often there is no meaning. We wonder if the man is hanging from something or did the man jump. The background is clean and the legs are framed against an empty sky.
Carlos Villarejo Navarro - Spain
Claudia embodies the essence of simplicity and natural beauty in each image. Her face, like a living canvas, becomes a stage where light dances with subtlety. There is a palpable connection between us, born from years of walking parallel paths, which reveals itself in the intimacy of every capture. With captivating stillness, Claudia allows herself to be seen as she truly is, without artifice, showcasing the beauty of authenticity.
Judge's comment
Tina Signesdottir Hult
I find this image strong, because of the character in it, her eyes capture you, and make you wonder who she is. It's sensitive and powerful at the same time. The monochrome choice enhances it all.
Zerry Song - China
Shadow and light bridges the worlds within and outside the frame: the beady eyes in the picture gaze at every onlooker beyond the frame.
Judge's comment
Yin Chao
To me, this entry is quite unique, almost like a contemporary art masterpiece. The story seems to take place in a gallery. A security guard in a black suit is facing back to the camera. Even though his expression isn't visible, you can clearly sense the gravity and tension in his demeanor. This is evident from his headset and the security tool he's tightly gripping, both highlighting the level and importance of security. Our attention is then drawn to a black-and-white photograph of a woman on display. Interestingly, her eyes seem filled with alarm, mirroring the unseen expression of the guard. The shadows, rather than obscuring, reveal the most intriguing parts of the image, evoking the feel of a suspense film. The white window curtain adds a touch of lightness and romance to the otherwise tense scene. This photograph invites repeated viewings as it combines all these elements beautifully.
Heading Home in the Moonlight
Su Xingzi - China
Amid beaming neon lights, the footsteps of a running man break the evening stillness, leaving behind the area in bright red akin to the glow of sunset, racing toward home along the street in silver reflections.
Judge's comment
Michael Yamashita
This photograph grabbed my attention for its rich saturated colour and powerful graphic composition. When looking at it amongst a number of possible selections on the board, it stood out from the group, having a strong visual impact on me. The addition of a man on the run in the top of the frame and the stairway in the middle give it a sense of place while still remaining a mystery. As I stare at it now, it's the diagonal lines, and out-of-focus pattern that keep my eyes moving up and down across the entire frame, anchored by the stairway ending at the top of the frame with the man on the run. An artful expression of lines, angles, light, colour and shadow. I can envision this photograph on the walls of an art gallery.
Colorists of the City
VV - China
It is their hard work that makes the city more romantic and colorful. They work tirelessly behind the scenes to create a life with a kaleidoscope of color.
Judge's comment
Alec Soth
This image was my favorite in the entire competition. The scene presented is utterly normal. Two men sit on scaffolding and repair a wall. What makes the photograph so extraordinary is its color. Overlaid on the image is a pastel abstraction of orange, pink, red, blue and green. Where did these colors come from? Why did they land on the image in this way? While one might think it was the work of a graphic designer, the effect is achieved through the lens. The photographer appears to have made the image by shooting through some sort of colored surface, likely glass. We can note this only with the subject inclusion of a reflection in the upper right hand corner and in the blue field.
There is one other element in the picture that reveals it is the result of through-the-lens seeing. This is depth of filed. Despite the fact that the picture was made on a bright day, a small aperture is used. The scaffolding is in focus but the color transparencies in the foreground are out of focus. This makes the effect soft and natural. The picture looks like a candy-colored dream. This quality is powerful contrasted with the humble, commonplace experience of the workers.
RoadCrazy - China
Snapshots provide a fascinating insight into the lives of ordinary people. In this image, ideals and reality blend in the play of shadow and light.
Judge's comment
Alec Soth
The history of photography is less than 200 hundred years old. The number of technical changes during that time are almost incomprehensible. Even a few of decades ago it would be impossible to imagine the power and sophistication embedded in an OPPO smartphone camera. But as a person who has devoted his life to the medium of photography, I'm comforted that the history of photography and its evolution has not been discarded. Many of the submissions in this contest used the visual history of the photographic past. This image is an excellent example. Using rich black and white that would have been very difficult to achieve in a traditional darkroom, this photographer was able to draw out the graphic elements of the image. What I particularly love is that this evocation of photographic history is mimicked by the architectural history in the background of the image. This photograph feels simultaneously historic and futuristic.
Kazuyuki Kawahara - Japan
During the rainy season, the sun came out only on the day of the shoot, as if announcing the arrival of summer.
I took my daughters and my grandmother, who lives in a nursing home, back to our old hometown.
We spent most of our time revisiting my grandmother's memories there.
She repeated the same story with the excitement of a child, sometimes in a disjointed way but always full of life. When she talked about my childhood, I felt a sudden wave of warmth.
My daughters enjoyed hearing stories from my younger days that they hadn't known.
My grandmother, who suffers from dementia, can't recall what happened just an hour ago and finds it hard to form new memories, while my daughters are growing quickly and creating their own memories.
They played games with strings, picked vegetables in the fields, put on lipstick at the vanity, cut their bangs, and played with handmade dolls crafted by my grandmother. In the slow passage of time, happiness was all around.
If the beauty of photos is to "supplement the memories of one's life," could the rich details captured by the latest OPPO phone become the thread linking these memories?
I hope this colorful "thread," woven through our experiences, will stay in the hearts of each family member. With this hope, I pressed the camera button on the screen.
Judge's comment
Yin Chao
This series of photos is incredibly refreshing and touching. While the story is a sad one, the photographer uses a soothing narrative to convey acceptance and love. The scenes of fields and home portray a loving and harmonious family that resonates with everyone. These images show how mobile photography can capture cherished moments that people will remember for a lifetime.
Wandou and Her Teddy Bear
He Huapei - China
A smiling girl nicknamed Wandou ("Pea") gets her teddy bear dressed while soft rays of sunlight gently caress her face. I have to take a shot of this serene moment.
Judge's comment
Tina Signesdottir Hult
Regarding mobile photography, I find it remarkable how far technology has come. Tools like the OPPO Find N3 Flip, used here, allow photographers to capture professional-quality images with incredible detail and atmosphere, all without the need for bulky equipment. The speed at which you can take photos with a phone is another significant advantage—there's no need to spend time setting up complex gear, which allows you to capture fleeting moments as they happen. This immediacy enables more people to express their creativity, no matter where they are. I believe mobile photography has not only democratized the art of photography but also elevated the level of what's possible to achieve, even with such a compact tool.
The Immensity of Earth
Anlee - China
During a trip to Xinjiang, I witnessed horsehair flying over alpine grasslands, herdsmen heading home over endless stretches of undulating landscapes, dust swirling during the seasonal migration of herdsmen, and solitary trees growing wild and tall in the pasture. The capricious weather in this vast region forms the bedrock of all life. Tourists come and go, but the only constants are the flocks of animals, houses, trees, and the lovely people who call this place home.
Judge's comment
Alec Soth
It has become increasingly easy to take a good picture. With the tools of the OPPO smartphone, one needn't know anything to make a picture that is technically strong. But it is still quite difficult to make a picture that captures and holds one's attention. To do this with a whole series of photographs is incredibly rare. When putting pictures together in a series, there is a danger of being too repetitive. On the other hand, there is also the danger of being too random. It takes a real mastery to take a series of good pictures that work together.
This series was masterful example of images working together in sequence. By working in monochrome, the photographer brought a consistency to the images. Despite the changes in the time of day and weather, the photographs all feel connected. At the same time, there is a good variety of images. It's a series on ranching, but only four of the nine images actually contain horses. Surprisingly, two other images feature motorcycles, which relate to our romantic notions of ranching in an interesting way. Lastly, one of the most memorable images feature nothing but a lone silhouette walking under a storm cloud.
Serenity in Shadows and Light
Ogbu Chibuike Johnson - Nigeria
This photograph beautifully uses shadows and light to highlight the subject's serene expression. The sunlight filters through the leaves, casting delicate shadows on her face and accentuating her smooth skin. The contrast between light and shadow adds depth, drawing attention to her peaceful demeanor and the natural frame of lush green leaves enhances the tranquil atmosphere. This harmony of light and shadow makes the image captivating and calming.
Judge's comment
Yin Chao
This is one of my favorite portraits. The dark green leaves partially obscuring the model's face complement her skin tone, creating a sense of harmony and comfort. On the other side, her slightly closed eye and soft smile evoke feelings of peace and serenity. The contours of her body subtly emerge from the mysterious background, with a hint of purple clothing mirroring the green leaves, enhancing the scene's harmony. The color balance is perfect, and the white earring creates a striking contrast against the overall dark tones. Even more impressive, this photo was taken with an OPPO phone, achieving a texture and tone like a Hasselblad camera. I can't help but admire the esthetic beauty of this shot and the new possibilities mobile photography offers.
The Peaceful Bond
Shailendra Singh - India
In the early morning light, the misty riverside drew me in. The calm water mirrored the sky and trees, creating a serene symmetry. As I stood there, a group of friends walked along the riverbank. Their silhouettes against the mist struck me as profoundly peaceful, symbolizing a bond of friendship and togetherness. There was something deeply calming about their unhurried steps, perfectly in sync with the stillness of nature. This scene captured the essence of human connection in a tranquil setting. I had to capture this moment. It wasn't just the beauty of the landscape but the silent story of companionship and shared experience. This photograph titled The Peaceful Bond reminds us of the simple yet profound moments of connection we share with others.
Judge's comment
Alec Soth
This black and white image immediately evoked the famous illustration entitled "The March of Progress." This is generated primarily by the forms of the boys walking, but the technical elements are essential to giving it this iconic quality. Not only are the figures silhouettes, they are starkly contrasted to the misty white of the background. The image almost feels like a drawing. What I particularly love is that the figures are far in the distance, yet because of the contrast they feel instantly recognizable.
There's one special element to this picture that I find surprising. While three of the figures are walking from left to right, one of them stands straight up and gazes at the photographer. There is something myserious and almost haunting about this silhouette. Then entire image almost feels like a movie poster. Looking at this photograph makes me want to watch the movie.
Summer Night by Mountain Stream
Guo Jiangtao - China
Under the summer night sky, the dark green shades of plants, the murmuring of a stream, flashing fireflies, yellow lights under an old bridge, and the blue tones of the nightfall create a striking color contrast, reminiscent of a magical realm. This tranquil and harmonious scene was captured using a slow shutter speed.
Judge's comment
Michael Yamashita
This photograph is one of my favorite from the first time I saw it. It is the combination of the warm light on the bridge contrasted with the cool blue waters with just the right amount of yellows provided by perfect placement of fireflies moving through the frame. I love the texture of the wet stones contrasted against the dark foliage and the soft highlights of the wet rocks. The S pattern of the multi-hued blue stream moves my eye from right to left ending up at the warm-lit bridge. The edge to edge sharpness allows the viewer to focus on every detail. Using a long exposure softens the moving waters of the stream and gives a sense of movement. The tiny droplets of water look like shining stars in the sky adding to the drama. And the yellow fireflies contrasting against the deep blues of the water look like streaming comets, making this a very special moment.
Rain Paints the Starry Sky
Tomatoes - China
After rain, puddles reflect the neon lights of a busy city. The texture of the ground recalls bold, swirling strokes as the lights change color every second. Blues merge with oranges, yellows, and purples, dancing like a starry sky.
Judge's comment
Michael Yamashita
I first viewed this in the Colours category and was wowed by its striking colour palette and graphic design even though I am not quite sure what I am looking at. Is it a drop of water? A puddle on the street after a rain shower? What are the source of the reflections? It is the mystery itself that adds to its impact and attraction for me. The combination of sharpness and blur which I am going to assume comes from moving water keeps my eye roving around the frame searching for an answer. I commend the photographer for finding such beauty in what I am assuming is a very small place as well as the camera for its macro capabilities. But maybe this photograph is best appreciated not knowing the answers. Some photographs are beyond words but need no words to appreciate. Just wow!


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