

  • 新聞稿發布
  • 2020-03-31
  • OPPO COVID-19疫情聲明


    During these unprecedented times, we need to remain united and practice the necessary steps to fight against the spread of COVID-19. With the safety of our users and employees being our number one priority, we created a special team to oversee preventative actions and maintain ongoing operations. OPPO has been committed to protecting our community to fight this pandemic and encourage everyone in working together to protect family, friends and neighbors alike.


    OPPO is tremendously grateful for our global partners and community for helping us during these hard times. In efforts to continue preventing the spread of the virus, we are following local policies of each market. We are conducting daily disinfections for retail stores and onsite staff to ensure the health and safety of both onsite staff and customers. With the current situation, we also encourage you to utilize our online channels to explore our products and services.

    OPPO 將持續關注全球疫情發展,並為各地防疫工作提供更多力量,在此也感謝全球每一位OPPO員工與整個OPPO大家庭為做防疫工作做出的貢獻與犧牲。我們每個人都有責任挺身而出,相信我們的決心和信念將帶來更多信心與力量,互相扶持著彼此度過這段充滿不確定性的時期。

    We will continue to devote our efforts to help our nation and the world fight this pandemic. We thank our global staff and OPPO community for doing their part - we all have a responsibility to help how we can during this uncertain time. Our determination and camaraderie give us confidence that we can continue supporting each other during these unprecedented times.



    9:30~18:30 週一到週五

    9:30~17:30 週六、日及例假日

    Call: 0809092986



    9:00~19:00 週一到週五

    9:00~18:00 週六、日及例假日

    Service Center





    9:00~18:00 週一到週五